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Reaching Lily Page 23

  ‘Who the fuck is Johnny Castle?’

  ‘Maybe I want to see you dance.’ I pulled off my cowgirl boots and sat cross-legged on the bed. ‘In fact, if you dance for me, I’ll sign whatever other stupid paperwork I have to so you can have the freedom to “enter” at will.’

  ‘Well done, Ms Dewitt.’ He went into the conference room and returned with a folder and pen. He stared at me, licking his finger, and drew out a piece of paper. ‘Contract. Sign.’

  I reached for the pen and scribbled away. ‘There you go. Mi casa, su casa.’

  ‘Good choice.’ He set the paperwork on the dresser and focused on me again.

  ‘Now can I watch you dance, Mr Holder?’

  ‘Mercy.’ He smirked.


  ‘But I got you to sign the papers, didn’t I? Come.’ He knelt by the bed, unsnapped and unzipped my jeans. He pulled them off, slowly, then let them drop to the floor. ‘Keep your blouse on, if you would.’

  Blouse? It’s a tunic. Men don’t know what clothes are called. My high-school boyfriend thought dresses and skirts were all called dresses. But who cared about semantics, when a drop-dead gorgeous man was pushing your legs apart and trailing searing hot kisses along the inside of your left thigh? My breath hitched as Dorian gripped my other thigh in the palm of his hand, then scooped both hands under my buttocks and spread them. I leaned into his touch, as his tongue trailed closer to my vulva.

  ‘Please,’ I gasped. ‘Don’t stop.’

  He pulled away and sat beside me on the bed. ‘Let’s shave you, Lily. I want to kiss your mons, that sweet rise, and feel your bare skin on my lips. I want you to feel how much better my tongue and fingers feel when you’re truly naked. Bared to me.’

  ‘Can I please come first?’ I asked. ‘Just once?’

  ‘All in good time.’ He gave me a sly smile. ‘Didn’t you mention how much you enjoyed “tease and denial”? Perhaps you should never have disclosed that, as it happens to be one of my favourite games.’

  ‘You like games, don’t you, Dorian?’ I accepted his hand as he pulled me to my feet. I was still wobbly from my second near-orgasm.

  ‘Quite.’ He clicked his tongue. ‘Come, Lily.’

  * * *

  The water in the round hot tub surprised me by being tepid, and smelled of the ocean. ‘Mineral pool,’ Dorian explained, leaning back, owning his space. ‘But you know that.’

  ‘Don’t you want a jet?’ I positioned myself in front of one so my tight muscles would relax.

  ‘Normally I would, but some crazy girl destroyed my back.’ He turned around, showing me again the red stripes of pain. ‘Pounding water against it doesn’t make for a comfortable experience.’

  ‘Oh.’ I hid my face in my wet hands. ‘Right.’

  ‘No guilt, princess, we had fun. Stretch out, Lily, and let me admire you. Why are you hiding from me?’

  He was right. Though I was facing him in the water, sitting across from him, I had drawn my knees up to my chest, hiding my breasts. Hiding my belly. My sudden shyness was confusing. I had felt so available and ready for Dorian the Divine, but taking in his physical perfection made me feel plain by comparison. ‘But you’re so beautiful,’ I said, moving my hands and hair away from my eyes, allowing him to see my vulnerability. It was more painful than any of his pinches, bites, spanks, delayed orgasms, even the humiliation of being tied up for hours at his whim. There is a world of difference between humiliation for fun and vulnerability for intimacy. None of his physical, sexual and emotional possession came close to the way I felt exposed in that moment as we faced each other in the bubbling water. ‘And …’

  I lowered my legs and let him see my imperfect body. My too-big-for-the-rest-of-me boobs. My non-chiselled abs. Childbearing hips that never would be involved in birthing, though he didn’t know that. My legs, which wouldn’t be bad if they were just a few inches longer. I covered my face with my hands and peeked at him between my fingers.

  ‘And you are, as well,’ Dorian said, gliding closer to me. He reached out and moved my hands apart so he could stare into my eyes. ‘What do you see when you look in the mirror, Lily? Someone, something far different from the reality of you, your splendid, simple beauty. You truly have no idea of the effect you have on men, do you?’

  I shrugged.

  ‘Never mind the rest of them, though. You have no idea of the most profound effect you have on me.’

  As though to prove his point, he took my hand and wrapped it around the thickness of his dick, and we stroked him together.

  ‘Maybe I’m starting to get the picture, Mr Holder.’

  ‘Damn, woman.’ His eyes closed and he inhaled and let go of me. ‘Don’t stop.’

  ‘I had no intention,’ I teased. We switched places so that he was sitting while I knelt, the hard tiles pressing uncomfortably against my knees, frothing water lapping at my breasts.

  ‘Oh, fuck it!’ he said, and lifted me up so I straddled him where he sat, much as when we were in the cab. With no warning, he impaled me on his rearing cock. We both cried out, and he bounced me up and down as though I were light as a feather. The salty water prevented my pussy lubing up, so there was a pleasant sting as he plunged into me again and again, the coolness against my vaginal lips making me shiver, then the heat deep within, where – despite the lack of wetness on the outside – it was so slick, so hot. And oh, how I ached for his hot come to fill me. Just as the thought crossed my mind, my muscles clenched, squeezing the length of my Dorian Holder, and I prayed that this time he would let me reach my climax, please, God.

  With a groan, he shoved me down so hard and arched his pelvis so high that he drove right against that spot and I came. Waves of pleasure rolled down my body; so sweet, tickling, burning, vibrating, throbbing to the very core of my being. Then he followed with another moan, and the spurt of his hot jizz filled my pussy, driving me to one more rise and fall. I collapsed against his chest, weeping for the sheer joy, relief, release. When his penis stopped convulsing, he pulled out slowly, kissed my wet cheeks, licked his salty lips and said, ‘That wasn’t my plan.’

  Smiling through my tears, I pointed to him, and then myself. ‘This wasn’t my plan either.’

  ‘Ah.’ He grinned, playing with my wet hair. ‘Little mermaid, life is full of gorgeous surprises. You and I? We are one of mine. I had no idea. I wasn’t ready for you.’

  ‘Are you ready now?’ I asked, trying to keep my voice light.

  ‘My life is complicated, Ms Dewitt.’ The youthful expression on his face shifted, and he was yet again my disapproving boss of unknown age, of mysterious origin. ‘Don’t push me. It won’t work out well for you.’

  ‘That was never my intention, Mr Holder.’

  ‘There are so many factors involved.’ His icy words chilled me. ‘You wouldn’t understand. Those factors may be resolved employing whatever manner I see fit, and within a reasonable time frame. Then we can continue this conversation, should I choose to do so. Are we clear?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’ I didn’t understand. Was he still deciding whether to ‘resolve’ issues?

  Though the merging of hot and cold while he screwed my brains out was fantastically arousing, the hot and cold exuding from Dorian Holder was not. I wanted to ask if he was toying with me, if this was part of our game and mindfucking was getting him off. If so, I would have the option of begging ‘Mercy’.

  Or would I?

  He threatened to break me, and promised to rebuild me. What if he couldn’t, and I would crack beyond repair, rhyme or reason?

  Dorian Holder gave me fair warning.


  Chapter Eighteen

  A Close Shave

  ‘Can we stop now with the solemnity?’ Dorian asked, brandishing a straight razor. You know, one of the old-fashioned kind, favoured by old-school manly men, and … oh, Sweeney Todd, maybe. Ulp. I remembered the word ‘bloodplay’ on the kinklist, and wished I could recall what number he’d assigned. I had been so
nervous when we exchanged our preferences that I skimmed through his responses quicker than I should have. ‘I’m going to shave you so close, Lily, that your skin will be soft as flower petals. Then I’ll make a pilgrimage, and worship at the Mount of Venus.’

  ‘That doesn’t sound so bad.’

  ‘No, of course it doesn’t “sound bad”. The man you’re sexually addicted to is about to shave your pussy, and you have to remain still as stone.’

  ‘But I’m scared of that thing. Tend to be more of a depilatory kinda gal, myself, when it comes to trimming the hedges.’

  ‘It will be mind-blowing. It will be miserable. You’ll be grateful, as soon as you submit to your darkness.’ He held up the instrument so it flashed in the light. ‘Fear is an aphrodisiac.’

  I raised an eyebrow, Dorian style. It was something I’d been working on.

  ‘Don’t get smart with me, Lily.’

  ‘Still as stone, ya say?’ Good point, I thought. ‘Maybe we should shut off the jets.’

  ‘As you wish.’ He stepped out of the tub, unconscious of my gaping at his long, weighty penis, which swung like the pendulum on my antique clock. Even in its relaxed state, Dorian’s massive rod was a force to be reckoned with. ‘Now relax and let me do my thing.’

  Since he was using a shaving brush rich with some fancy shaving stuff he said was Acqua di Parma Collezione Barbeire, it made sense that Dean Martin played in the background. A gentleman’s gentleman. Dorian Holder was timeless, no doubt of it.

  ‘Be careful –’ I began, as he stroked the straightedge closer and closer to my split and clit.

  ‘Shut up.’ He held a finger to his lips.

  ‘Shutting up.’

  ‘Thank you, madam.’ Dorian slathered on some more cream, and shaved away. His words were cruel, but his touch was tender. ‘I sort of know what I’m doing, Lily.’

  Lying across his lap, floating in the water like a lily-pad while he held my hips, scared and thrilled me. I could not move, and had to trust his steady hands. Though I tried to draw the line as he got closer and closer to my anus, he talked me into it, and there was no reason to beg for mercy. I don’t know at what point my fear turned to delight, but feeling the head of his already erect cock touching the small of my back surely played a part. A big part. A thick, juicy, hard part.

  ‘Can’t wait for you to slide that cock down my throat,’ I said.

  ‘Didn’t I tell you to shut up, Lily?’ He tried to hide his smile. ‘You couldn’t handle every inch of me shoved down your throat.’

  Harumph. I took that as a challenge. ‘My asshole can’t handle you, maybe. But if there’s one thing Catholic girls do well …’

  ‘Almost finished. Silence.’

  I bit my lower lip to keep myself from blabbing away. Not wiggling when he was almost making me come was horrid and delightful, but knowing the consequences of such insolence kept me in line. I tried to think of anything else that might turn me off.

  Mr Colossimo. Ew! That worked.

  After a few more minutes of torture, Dorian dabbled the razor in the water, shook it and nodded, pleased with his handiwork. ‘There we are, Lily. Go play with yourself in the other room, and I’ll join you in a few minutes.’

  ‘So I don’t get to shave you?’ I whined, as we climbed out of the tub.

  ‘No, you absolutely cannot shave me.’ He dabbed some aftershave on my mons.

  ‘Ow! That burns.’

  ‘Perfect. That’s what happens when you talk back to your Master.’ He frowned and took the moist facecloth away. ‘Wait. You said pussy torture was a 2. Soft limit.’

  ‘Right.’ I smiled. ‘Key word being “soft”. Show me what you can do when you come to bed, if you would.’

  ‘You’ll be satisfied,’ he promised. ‘As your lover – er, that is, as your Master, my role is to fulfil your every want and every terror. Is it not?’

  ‘Sweet,’ I agreed, as he handed me a fluffy towel. As your lover …

  ‘I’ll trim my own hedges, though, thank you very much. You’re far too excitable for me to let you anywhere near my balls with what could be a lethal weapon.’ He grabbed a hand towel and squeezed my long hair in it. Then, after tossing the towel to the floor, Dorian ran his fingertips down his treasure trail, at a snail’s pace. Whether he was pleasuring himself, seducing me or some combination of the two was unclear, but I wanted to watch him longer. ‘Tell me, Lily. Do you like this? Or do you want it gone?’

  ‘Keep it,’ I say without hesitation. ‘Draws attention to your abs. Not to mention your runners. Yeah, I like.’

  ‘Very well. Now leave me in peace.’ He smacked my ass. ‘I’ll come for you.’

  ‘Is that a promise or a threat, Mr Holder?’

  ‘Both. Get out, Lily, before I tan your hide.’

  * * *

  I lay down on the 800-thread-count sheets, and touched my vulva hesitantly. It still stung, but the burn of the cologne spread like wildfire down the sensitive lips of my pussy and the length of my thighs. I wondered about having something burning hot within my tender walls, and whether it would be too demanding if I asked Dorian to drip his fancy scotch into my delicate crevice. After all, he was in charge, and after that near-admission in the bath I expected he would need to regain his power, call the shots on this round. Besides, what if I hated it? What if the burn was unbearable?

  For someone who was already flying too close to the sun, a bit of fire in the hole should have been the least of my worries. But all of this was so new to me, while somehow familiar. Dorian Holder had taken all of my fantasies and girlish experiences and pushed my limits. My body demanded more of him all the time. How far could I go? How high would I fly? I both craved and despised his unpredictability, the silent, unanswered question hanging in the air between us.

  ‘I’ve brought you a few trinkets today,’ Dorian said, breaking my reverie. He snapped his fingers by my ear. ‘Lily. Wake up.’

  ‘I’m awake.’

  ‘Have you been playing with your pussy as you were told?’

  ‘Yes, Mr Holder.’

  ‘Good girl.’ He opened a drawer and removed two sets of handcuffs lined with fur, two leather ankle straps and what appeared to be a small bike chain with vicious-looking roach clips on the end. My eyes must have looked questioning, because he flicked my left nipple.

  ‘Oh,’ I said. ‘Got it.’

  ‘You’re compelled to play with your own nipples when we fuck, Lily. As your arms are going to be stretched and locked, that won’t be possible. Being the merciful Master I am, your juicy tits –’ he swatted them, a wicked gleam in his eyes ‘– will be tortured the entire time I gobble you up.’

  ‘Dorian, what big teeth you have!’

  ‘All the better to eat you with, my dear.’ Dorian yanked my arms and shackled me. He gave a tug and I must have flinched, because he asked, ‘Are you all right?’

  I nodded, so he bound my ankles in leather, pulled the buckles tight and in moments had me latched to the bedposts. Then he snapped the cold metal clips on my nipples. I hadn’t expected the bite to be so intense. Seeing me flinch, he tugged at the chain between them, and I shrieked in pleasure/pain.

  ‘Remember “Mercy”.’

  ‘I’m a big girl, Mr Holder. Why don’t you quit telling me what to do?’ That ought to rankle him, I hoped. When his face remained impassive, I added, ‘You’re not the boss of me.’

  ‘Oh, is that the game you want to play, Ms Dewitt?’ A flash of rage crossed his face as he snarled, ‘I’m going to spank that bare pussy of yours, you mouthy little slut.’

  He raised a hand high in the air, and I squinched my eyes shut as he smacked my mons. ‘Open your eyes, Lily.’

  Open your eyes, Lily.

  I obeyed – obeyed Dorian, that is, not my inner voice – and tried to keep a stiff upper lip.

  ‘You want more?’ He asked, grinning like a madman. ‘I’ll spank you harder this time.’

  I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. />
  ‘Can’t hear you.’ He moved his face close to mine and cupped his ear. ‘Louder, Ms Dewitt.’

  ‘Harder.’ What was wrong with me?

  ‘Say please.’

  ‘Harder, please.’

  ‘Of course.’ He leaned back, and his cock was engorged, purple. His broad chest expanded and contracted with his quickening breath. He lifted his arm, biceps bulging, and swung down, a stinging slap that made my eyes water. I shifted my hips away from him.

  ‘More,’ I whispered, my throat dry.

  ‘You want it to hurt?’ He asked, his voice a sing-song, as he used two fingers to open my vagina and appreciate my clit, stiff behind its soft hood. ‘Tsk, tsk. I believe I can help you, Ms Dewitt.’

  Dear God, he was going to spank inside my pussy, smack down my soaking walls. Should I say the word?

  ‘You may want to bite the bullet,’ he suggested, yanking at the chain between my breasts and shoving it into my mouth. ‘Pull.’

  I chomped down on the metal and snapped my head back. Dorian laughed and gave me an underhanded smack, lighter this time. When I tossed and groaned but held fast to my bit, he hit my pussy harder, and it hurt too much, and I spat out the chain, crying ‘Mercy!’ just as he smacked it again.

  ‘Jesus, Lily.’ His face was concerned. ‘You said it while I was midswing. I’m sorry.’

  ‘I’m – OK,’ I whimpered, not OK at all. ‘Please take off my clips.’

  He looked askance as he released my nipples from their metal prison. ‘Do you want me to free your arms and legs?’

  ‘No.’ I gulped. ‘I want you to bring me water and kiss me better.’

  ‘Anything,’ he said, and I swear to God the man looked ashamed, an emotion of which I believed him incapable. He swiftly brought me water, cupped my head in the palm of his hand and raised me so that I could sip.

  ‘Don’t worry, Dorian. I’m fine. Please.’ I tried to smile. ‘The last thing I want is you feeling guilty for giving me what I asked for. This is what we do.’

  ‘Yes.’ He laid his head on my chest, sighing. Then he licked his way down my stomach and his supple lips kissed, worshipped my Mount of Venus, just as he’d promised. He blew gently, a soft breeze relieving the pain. His hands wandered down my thighs, which I eagerly opened to him. Dorian kissed me there, hesitant at first. Then he traced careful circles around that pink bead with his tongue, until he felt me relax completely.